At first it was unintentional. Then it became intentional. The Big Break.

You probably already know I have been on a social media break. A BIG break. If you follow me on social media, you may have noticed because I have been VERY present, every day for YEARS. I’ve also been quieter than usual here and haven’t sent a newsletter in ages.

I needed a reset. Can you relate?

My nervous system was shouting ‘take a breather’ (sound familiar?). All that content creation, posting, scrolling (does your head get overwhelmed by all the screen swiping, scrolling, videos, sound? Because it makes mine spin), trying to understand the algorithm, answering comments and DMs (don’t get me wrong, I appreciate communicating with you so much!) and engaging and commenting on other’s accounts.

It just felt like I’d been on a hamster wheel for far too long.

Add to that all the things we see on social media, online and on the TV that stir up angst and sometimes straight up sadness: the political atmosphere here and around the world, our 24 hour news cycle, the horrors in the world, natural disasters. Yes, I’ve taken a news break too. I still read the news from trustworthy, professional sources in the morning, but I am over the 24 hour repetitive news cycle beating things over our head like a hammer.

Oh, and there was personal loss. I think the break became intentional after our dear friend Tom passed away at Thanksgiving. You may have seen our pal Tom plowing our driveway after each snowstorm or manning his tractor to assist with our July 4th lobster bake. We loved him dearly and we caused a lot of trouble together. The fun kind. I also lost my art friend Silja very unexpectedly, who was a thoughtful, beautiful soul and that stayed with me. It’s just not easy losing people we care about.

I needed to recharge mentally, physically and creatively. Creating, at least for me, isn’t something that I can do ‘On Demand’. That said, I DO think that the act of showing up for ourselves is often the spark our creativity needs. It fuels the fire. It let’s the Universe know we are here and we are ready.

It is important to honor our creative energy whether it needs coaxing, is ready to overflow or needs time to steep.


Throughout this break, there has been SO much light.

  • Nature NEVER fails me. Neither do my people.

  • There has been a fair share of dancing, singing, celebrating, kicking back, meditation, playing penny drop, dominoes, connect four and Yahtzee, and way less screen time.

  • I’ve been walking a lot; sometimes on trails, sometimes around the neighborhood, sometimes with my sister.

  • Throwing the ball for Chance is still part of each day,

  • I watched every Christmas movie I could (though somehow I missed The Family Stone), and have continued binging on Netflix: I have a renewed appreciation for Ted Danson after Man on the Inside and The Good Place. I also admit I may be obsessed with Kristen Bell. Have you watched her in The Good Place or Nobody Wants This? She’s just so damn talented. Right now I’m nearing the end of One Day, also on Netflix and think the acting is quite good.

  • I’m in the midst of reading a wonderful book given to me by my Collector Leigh. Signs: The Secret Language of the Universe by Laura Lynne Jackson. I LOVE the stories of connecting with our loved ones on the other side. My Dad was strong over Christmas, sending a feather, literally out of nowhere, under our tree. Garrett can attest!

  • We enjoyed our holidays with friends and family. They were laid back and perfect.

  • I finished a beautiful large seascape commission for dear friends, who’s garage Gar and I lived above when when we first got married. Another full circle moment through art. Aren’t those just the best? To be able to create a custom piece with layers of personal touches, was such blessing. Now three of my seascapes live with my friends!

  • We attended two more beautiful exhibit openings at Blue Door Gallery.

  • AND last, but not least, I have spent time in my studio and when I did, paintings poured out of me. Clearing my mind and energy of the constant barrage of social media has been good for me creatively. It feels GREAT.


All that to say, I’m still here and I’m very happy that you are too.

I am so blessed to be an artist who has a beautiful outlet that helps me make sense of things when they are challenging and appreciate things when the sailing is smooth. It’s just one of the amazing things about art.

I have new courses and others in the works. I have new artwork I can’t wait to share with you. Be sure to join my subscribers list to receive updates via my Art Lovers Newsletter.

Here’s to a 2025 filled with more love, light, joy, and abundance of all you wish for and less of the things that weigh your soul down.

I’d love to hear from you in the comments below.

Ciao for now,


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