Peach, Pink, Blue and Orange Gestural Abstract Painting on Paper, 'Take It All In, Let It All Out'

Peach, Pink, Blue and Orange Gestural Abstract Painting on Paper, 'Take It All In, Let It All Out'

Blue, Gray, Green, Pink, Orange Gestural Abstract Painting 'Shake Your Moneymaker'

Blue, Gray, Green, Pink, Orange Gestural Abstract Painting 'Shake Your Moneymaker'

Pink, Orange, Peach, Blue Gestural Abstract Painting 'Going To Hell In A Handbasket'

Pink, Orange, Peach, Blue Gestural Abstract Painting 'Going To Hell In A Handbasket'


In A Relationship: with herself / Abstract Figurative Painting

you cant fly on one wing lindy.jpg

You Can't Fly On One Wing Lindy/ Abstract Mixed Media Collage Painting


Lights, Camera, Action: Abstract Blue Painting By Pamela J. Bates
